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Selling Tickets Online
How It Works

Why sell tickets at OnStage Direct?
  • Sell tickets online with assigned seating options, including Theatre (rows and seats), Cabaret (tables and chairs), and Arena (ice shows), as well as open seating. Also, provide subscription tickets (season tickets) for events with assigned and open seating.
  • Sell tickets at the office, at no charge. Sellers can print out tickets, apply discounts, charge box office fees, and save reservation notes for ticket orders.
  • View detailed real-time sales statistics, reports, and lists of buyers for current and past events.
    View example 1 View example 2 View example 3
  • Scan ticket QR codes for secure admission. More info about scanning
  • Door tickets: print out sheets of tickets for selling at the door. For events with assigned seating, print door tickets for available seats.
  • Fast payment: on the next business day after the event.
More info
  • Sell tickets for public and private events.
  • Set different ticket prices depending on seats (rows or tables) and type of audience (adults, children, performers, etc.).
  • Offer Promotion Codes, Personal Promotion Codes, Promotion Rules (Buy One, Get One...), and Group Discounts to your customers.
  • Exceptional customer service and support: we answer ALL questions from both sellers and buyers within the same day, and more often, within the same hour.
  • Our clients like this service and recommend it to others. Read their testimonials.

Why buy tickets here ?
  • Buyers view the current seating plan state and select the seats they prefer.
  • Lowest convenience fees for buyers' satisfaction.
  • No hidden fees: buyers see the convenience fees as soon as they choose their seats. No other fees are added during the checkout process.
  • Secured payments by credit card.
  • We provide full-time customer support.

Pricing for selling tickets online

Selling tickets Online

Service Price
Seating chart set up Free
Selling tickets Online Convenience fee
(see below)
Credit card processing fees Included into
convenience fee
Selling free tickets Online Free
Selling tickets at the Office Free
Printing Door tickets Free
Scanning ticket QR codes Free
Sales reports Free
Printing your logo on tickets (optional) $39.99 per year.
First year is free!
Customer support Free

No hidden fees, no other fees.

Convenience fees
Ticket price
from to Fee
0.01 5.00 1.75
5.01 15.00 1.95
15.01 25.00 2.25
25.01 30.00 2.55
30.01 40.00 2.85
40.01 50.00 3.25
50.01 60.00 4.25
60.01 100.00 5.75
100.01 150.00 7.25
150.01 200.00 8.75
200.01 250.00 11.25
250.01 300.00 12.75
300.01 350.00 14.75
More expensive tickets?

The convenience fee is subject to local tax.

Sellers may choose to absorb a portion of the fee into the ticket price. For example, buyers pay $1.00, and the seller pays $0.95

Fee calculator

Choose city
Ardrossan, AB Belleville, ON Binbrook, ON Brantford, ON Burlington, ON Chatham, ON Courtice, ON Hamilton, ON Kincardine, ON London, ON Maberly, ON Oshawa, ON Port Coquitlam, BC Richmond, BC Riverport, NS Sarnia, ON Shedden, ON Squamish, BC Stittsville, ON Strathroy, ON Thamesford, ON Timmins, ON Toronto, ON Whitby, ON
More cities

Ardrossan Calgary Edmonton
British Columbia
Port Coquitlam Richmond Squamish Vancouver Victoria
Nova Scotia
Dartmouth Halifax Riverport
Ajax Meaford
Almonte Mississauga
Ancaster Nepean
Aurora Niagara Falls
Belleville Niagara-on-the-Lake
Binbrook Orleans
Brantford Oshawa
Burlington Ottawa
Cambridge Perth
Chaffeys Lock Peterborough
Chatham Port Elgin
Cobourg Richmond Hill
Courtice Sarnia
Delaware Scarborough
Dryden Shedden
East York Southampton
Erin St. Catharines
Fort Erie Stirling
Guelph Stittsville
Haliburton Stouffville
Hamilton Strathroy
Iroquois Falls Thamesford
Keswick Timmins
Kincardine Toronto
Kingston Unionville
Kitchener Waterloo
London Welland
Lucan Whitby
Maberly Winchester
Markham Woodstock

Drummondville Gatineau Pierrefonds
River Falls

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How It Works


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What customers say about our service

We have had a lot of positive feedback on the ease and quality of the site...

I will definitely recommend this to my friends. It was the easiest process I have ever had for ticket sales...

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